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Monday, November 28, 2011

Movie: Sólo Con Tu Pareja.

I finally got around to the Español section of my queue (yes it's alphabetized). Sólo Con Tu Pareja (1991) is a Mexican film that I very much enjoyed. Tomás Tomás (Giménez Cacho) is a man whore publicist who banged Silvia Silva (Dobrina Liubomirova) and did her wrong. Silvia happens to be a nurse who gets her hands on his STD test results and marks "positive" on his AIDS test to scare the shit out of him. Tomás is a little bitch so he decides to off himself rather than face the music and notify all of his conquests. 

Clarissa (Claudia Ramírez), a flight attendant, finds out her fiance is cheating on her and now wants to end it as well. Tomás happens to be in love with Clarissa, however, so the adventure ensues. It's really artistic and stylized and its beautiful, instrumental score really impacted the film and gave it special personality. The film is laced with lovely, relevant quotes plus, there's a sexual tension theme where Tomás is like, always on.  

"For those sick of life, love is the cure."


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