High-waisted shorts. Here's a little background on how I feel about shorts in general: I hate them. I do not enjoy showing you my ass cheeks and my whole thigh- I usually make someone work for the rights of that viewing area. But that's what is largely available. I grew up in Florida so I've been forced to wear shorts regardless of my personal feelings. It's all you can do to keep on any clothing during the hot months (all of them)! Usually opting for a longer variety (I know) I live with shorts out of necessity. Lately, I've started to see a pair of high-waisted shorts here and there and I'm glad. Though I'm not sure why it hadn't occurred to me up until this point, it's apparent that my style niche in the shorts category is high-waisted. I'm pretty excited. I don't know why it's somehow acceptible to my code to wear shorter shorts if they be high-waisted, but it's working for me. Perhaps it's the total amount of material used that's of issue. Who knows..

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